WIPE YOU ON GALV 3 Teaser by Muffins!
Class: Shaman | Category: PvP | Server : US - Muradin ( Vengeance )
4.87 /5 164 ? ? 30 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
A short 1.5 minute Teaser of the upcoming WILL WIPE YOU ON GALV 3 PVP Movie. All AV footage have been recorded pre 2.3 patch.

If you've watched the first and second one, you know what we're all about. T This movie is all group PVP in IF/SW and the other major alliance cities and actual wipes on the alliance in Galv's room in AV. More importantly, this is through a resto shaman's POV. I believe this movie showcases the insane survivability of a resto shaman in pvp (with good teammates of course) I know people will downrate this trailer due to it being from a healer's POV, but I'm going to bite the bullet. There simply are not enough healer POV movies on this site and I hope to encourage others in making them or respeccing to some sort of Healing tree and showcasing it in a future movie

Anyways, be sure to check it out when it debuts on wcm.com in about 2 weeks! ***DO NOT CLICK THE GOOGLE STREAM, the quality is absolutely horrendous, if you must click the stage6 stream instead***

For those that missed it, here is the link to our 2nd pvp movie:


Any constructive criticism or comments are appreciated. Please rate accordingly!.

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