Amaranth by Fishispit
Class: Unknown | Category: Machinima | Server : US - Suramar ( Cyclone )
4.79 /5 269 ? ? 75 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary

This is my 2nd Music Video. I've spent a lot of time working on it and took a huge amount away from my first - that everyone so thoughfully commented on. With any luck this piece provides you with some 'viewing' pleasure. This is song by Nightwish: Amaranth featuring a newly created character I'm calling 'Techi' with L70ETC. Remember to download!

Thank you to everyone who helped make this video happen. If it wasn't for a few people it wouldn't have come out as good as it hopefully did. Special thanks goes to BaronSoosdon and Olibith for helping out and sharing their creative genius. Another special thanks to #machinima and everyone there who showed their support.

Questions? want to chat? Maybe just chill and idle with the crew @ Quakenet. All are welcomed, pro or noob - feel free to ask a question we'll help you find an answer.

# m a c h i n i m a

"Be strong, be proud - download the video!"

Anti Streaming Community

If you enjoyed watching this video and or have anything to say about it please comment and rate. It's nice to know where I can improve and what I can do to make my video's better and more enjoyable. Comments and Rating is part of what helped me build a better more exciting Music Video on my 2nd try. Please do keep them coming! If you were curious about how the process went to create the video feel free to jump over to my blog and or ask questions @ #machinima!

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Rating: 4.79 / 5
Category Rank: 338
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