Wipe You on Galv 2 PvP by Muffins!
Class: Shaman | Category: PvP | Server : US - Muradin ( Vengeance )
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Movie Summary
(WARNING if you do not care or enjoy healers in pvp or their POV don't watch this movie)

*Stage6 livestream got screwy, will reu-pload another today or tomorrow, but please download the filefront*

If you've watched the first one, you know what we're all about. This movie is all group PVP in IF/SW and the other major alliance cities and actual wipes on the alliance in Galv's room in AV. More importantly, this is through a resto shaman's POV. I believe this movie showcases the insane survivability of a resto shaman in pvp (with good teammates of course) I know people will downrate this movie due to it being from a healer's POV, but I'm going to bite the bullet. There simply are not enough healer pov movies on this site.

I've cleaned up my UI after realizing how shitty and cluttered it looked from the first movie, especially the SCT spam and whatnot so it should me considerably more enjoyable. Songs are listed at the end at the credits too btw*

It's highly recommended that you download the movie instead of streaming it on wcm.com or stage6. That way you will be able to see exactly how I and my guildmates play and the spells/tricks, timers etc we use when we pvp.

Here is a link to our first movie


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