Movie Summary
This is my very first PvE video since i dont like making em too much, maybe we see some more in future :<
My spec is Mutilate ( 41/20/0 ) and theres lotsa more PvP talents than PvE, like no 3/3 ISnD no IPoisons and so on.
I bought 2x S2 maces first but got bored oh hammering SS all the way so I wrote a QQ ticket and got my points refunded and bought the S2 Shanker.
There is shitloads of fuckups by me in there, need to learn to raid with mutilate :<
Some people might wonder why im not Combat Daggers specd but as most uf us know that just fail in PvP and it fails HARD !
Now I didnt put much effort in to this movie at all, I frapsed it and Edited/Rendered/Uploaded it in about 4 hours or so.
This is also coz Im busy with Ginga VOl. III which is prolly gonna errr...nvm :<
Armory Link -
Thats prolly with my PvP/Hybrid gear tho.
Anyways I hope you can enjoy this if thats possible when its about PvE videos with me in it =/.
You can play with Pro players at Blazing Boost and get your Keystone Master, Ahead of the Curve, and gear up fast!