Snacky's Journal 3 PSA/PREVIEW by Stone Falcon Productions
Class: Rogue | Category: Machinima | Server : US - Silver Hand ( Bloodlust )
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Movie Summary

Snacky knows it's tough to wait, so here's a peek at episode 3 - which is quite jungly. And there's fish in it.

Episode 1
Episode 2

Sometimes, I post screenshots from upcoming episodes here, if you're curious.

The music was a lift from "Here it Goes Again" by OK Go. I usually write my own music, but I figured it was a trailer, so...

UPDATE: Snacky 3 is completed and entered in the Blizzcon machinima contest. I'll release it on the web when I'm allowed to, after the contest. Also, for those of you attending, look for me at the machinima booth. ;).
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