Wipe on Galve World PvP movie by Muffins!
Class: Shaman | Category: PvP | Server : US - Muradin ( Vengeance )
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Stage6 livestream included, beware though divx rendering made the file size even bigger than the actual filefront download. Stream is about 650 MB while the filefront dl is 430 MB. Just a heads up, but if you feel lazy and just want to watch the livestream go for it!

POV: Vaosan/ Resto Shaman with 0/5/56 build

Welcome to the Muradin Server, where the horde
numbers are a measly 2000 tops vs the 15,000 alliance. However numbers don't always give you the advantage...Muffin Productions proudly presents the WILL WIPE YOU ON GALV World pvp + AV Movie.

This movie is all group pvp in AV and in IF/SW and the other major alliance cities and actual wipes on the allinace in Galv's room in AV. Group size ranges from 3 to 15 vs 20 and up to 50-60 alliance. IF you like watching a small core of pvpers vs huge zergs this is the movie for you! World pvp after BC pretty much died, we hope this movie will revive it, or at the very least demonstrate what could happen when 5 to 15 people decent geared/ competent pvpers play and fight together.

For those not familiar with a healer's POV, especially a resto shaman, there are a few things that I'd like to point out so you can make sense of exactly what it is that I do. I have two main heals in zerg pvps, chain heal and lesser heal wave. I also do Nature's swiftness and healing wave in case someone's about to die. I have 4 main Cooldown's I use in AV/World pp, the two pvp banners (Av+pvp vendor), mana tide, fire elemental, and blood lust. When I'm pvping, I try to keep down tremor totem, windfury (or grounding), sometimes a sesaring totem and a mana regen totem (or poison cleansing if there's a lot of rogues). I try and keep earthshield on the squishiest person in our group at all times, or I switch it up and put it on a warrior if we're charging, sometimes myself if I'm getting hit by multiple enemies. I also constantly use my warp brooch trinket and my pvp trinekt to get out of hairy situations as well. I also use the occasional level one earthshock to stop castings, purge on targets, level one magma totem to kill those anonying hunter snake traps, etc etc. Not to mention trying to keep up 5-15 people up against incredible odds. Anyways, this is just a brief description of what I do in the movie, I'm sure there's a lot more that I forgot to mention.

Any constructive criticism or comments would be appreciated. Hope you all enjoy!


Credits songs got screwed up at the end and I repeated the same slide at the end. Here are the full songs in order:

Hellbringer- Xray Dog
Chemical Imbalance- Brand X Music
Armada- Two steps from hell
The Memory Remains- MEtallica
Rolling Thunder- Brand X Music
Sacred Lie- Disturbed
Trinity- James Dooley
Whispers- Brand X Music
How can I Live- Ill nino
Johnny Cash- God's Gonna Cut You Down
Kasabian- Club Foot
Keane- Atlantic
Kasabian- Lost Souls Forever


Improve your Arena skills, get Gladiator in 3v3 or Legend in Solo Shuffle with Blazing Boost!
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