This is our kill of Lady Vashj. As my previous movie about the Astromancer Solarian, this video mainly consists of in-game footage with a small intro and outro. Everything comes with some basic editing in order to keep the frapsed material as clean as possible.
The first Vashj phase is played at 1.8x speed, while the second and the third ones are played at 1.0x speed.
In Excelsis
Point of view:
Recording resolution: 1280x960
For more informations drop a message to abyssichate on
The only intent of the above mentioned movie is to entertain downloaders with in-game footage of boss encounters. While making this movie my purpose was not the one of working on an eye-candy presentation of the featured boss, neither was it about getting lengthy guild intros and outros. If your main interest lays in the PvE content this movie provides you with, you ought to consider downloading it; if you are looking for fancy and complicated editing, you may not like this. Moreover, be aware that the tracks I've picked for this movie's soundtrack are not techno/rap/Soil/trance..