WTB Crits - Mace Spec PvP w/ 5/5 Gladiator by Serennia
Class: Warrior | Category: PvP | Server : US - Smolderthorm ( Reckoning )
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3.45 /5 304 ? ? 321 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
My first pvp video done with my warrior (made a PvE one with the 3-man onyxia pre-bc). I tried to keep it short, yet concise with some fair and entertaining fights. No recklessness used, no pots, and no outside help.

My character isn't showing on armory, but here's a ctprofile if you're curious about gear:


As always, it is HIGHLY recommended to download the full movie rather than watch the streaming version for your enjoyment and overall quality.

I'm currently standing at 2406 2v2 rating, 2427 5v5 rating, and an average 3v3 rating. A few opponents are from top teams in our battlegroup ranked in the top 5 of their respective brackets, while others are mediocre but mediocrity is strong in numbers :P. Armory them if you doubt.

I'm also fully aware it's quite lacking with the editing and such, as I was shooting for more of a content than "fluff" video. In any case, I'm always open to comments and suggestions as usual. Enjoy!.

Improve your Arena skills, get Gladiator in 3v3 or Legend in Solo Shuffle with Blazing Boost!
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3.45 /5

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Views: 98,557
Daily Views: 15
Rating: 3.45 / 5
Category Rank: 2377

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WCM Fame: 74
Rank: 576 (of 510,000 )
Movies Released: 10
Total Views: 2,851,081
Zygor Guides

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