A different type of movie for me to produce, a combination of WoW and Earthbound, an old time classic RPG for SNES. Since it was an extremely popular game, I figured I'd remix it up with WoW to see how it came out. Hope you enjoy!
All Downloads are High-Quality
Google-Live-Stream is Lower-Quality
Google Link in case live stream doesn't work:
Songlist: (All From The Game Earthbound)
Opening: Haroon Piracha - Sky Runner
Battle Song: Earthbound - Kraken of the Sea
Ending: Earthbound - Earthbound Mix
Before You Rate, if you have not ever played or heard of earthbound, please take that into account that this was just a remix of That Game, if you don't like the game dont down-rate the movie because of it, rate the movie, not the game, thanks.
Admin note: Make sure you read the note above and understand it..