PvP With Tree - Melee Geared Hunter by Tree Productions
Class: Hunter | Category: PvP | Server : US - Doomhammer ( Nightfall )
3.41 /5 111 ? ? 149 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
First off, this movie wasnt fully intended for PvP skill, but more for editing. Dont get me wrong though, some of the fights are in interesting locations.

Secondly, since im on a PvE server, it is really hard to get quality world PvP fights, because it usually tends to be lower geared players who engage you.

Thirdly, i wanted to make a PvP movie that had a change in music. from what i notice, and im sure everyone notices, is that almost every PvP video released has some guy screaming in the back ground making no sense (no offense to people who like this music, its all personal preference). anyways, the music in this video has more of a beat to it, and is a little different than what maybe most people are used to seeing in a video like this.

This video includes Some world PvP, some BG PvP, and some arena PvP from the 2.0 test realm. Not so much of a bragging video, just something i had a lot of fun making.

Hope you enjoy :)

Note: Fixed the google video quality... still lower than filefront, but whats new :)


If you don't have the time to grind for PvP gear or rating, Blazing Boost can help!
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