Darnassus City Raid - Vashj EU by Drifting
Class: Mage | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Vashj ( Rampage )
4.16 /5 10 ? ? 280 MB Correct Share
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Third in my Cityraid Series, this time in Darnassus

Double boss kill in the same session at Vashj EU

Havent spent much time editing on this one either, would rather just publish it

Raid gathered in Teldrassil, 4-5 people went on foot and then summoned in one by one.
Once raid was gathered all went for the first boss, followed by the main one shortly after

took a lot of moving from one end of the city to the other

IMO Better raid than the Stormwind one, since it was a double kill in the same session,
and took some cooperation running the long distances inbetween each boss!


Other movies i've done here;

Drifting PvP 4 - The Lost Tapes (Prequel)
Drifting PvP 3
Drifting PvP
Drifting PvP 2 - Mind Games
IF Raid (King Kill)
SW Raid

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