Class: Rogue | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Ahn'Qiraj ( Reckoning )
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Movie Summary
--- This video is long, feel free to skip whatever part you like ;) ---
With the hype coming from SoM, I felt like making something out of what I had left from classic. The style is still what could be considered "overedited" but hopefully it's smoother and the gameplay is better as well. Felt like I was finally getting comfortable with classic rogue at the end. I obviously know that I'm fighting people who are not very knowledgeable in pvp, while abusing engineering/skull/CDs, etc. In the end I feel like the clips are entertaining. I play this game for fun and I personally like vids with lots of "ownage" rather super serious duels or competitive pvp.

Pretty much all footage is from p5 as I didn't play p6.

00:00 Super epic & humble intro
03:34 Blackrock Beating
08:10 Duskwood Destroyage
14:00 Stranglethorn Super Serious RP
16:12 BG Fun Times
21:01 Silithus Slaughter
23:54 Final Boss, the Greatwizard himself

If you don't have the time to grind for PvP gear or rating, Blazing Boost can help!
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