NEIDRAH 6 - Trailer (Rogue Classic PvP) by Neidrah
Class: Rogue | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Stormscale ( Cyclone )
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Movie Summary

'Sup guys?

Are trailers still hip? Idc, making one! :p

After a long time without movies (8 years?), the lockdown gave me the inspiration to start again...

I had leveled a rogue at the start of classic but the multiple problems with the launch (ya'll know what I'm talking about...) made me quit.

I hopped back in at the beginning of may and after gearing up a bit, did some pvp ;)

The movie is basically 2 weeks of looking for fights in the open/in BGs. Hopefully you guys enjoy. My editing skills have improved quite a bit!

In the meantime, I've also recently started a challenge: since me and my friends (the Vurtens :p) recently transfered to a server with more Alliance (mmmh delicious), I've been posting a short video recapping the pvp of the day, everyday!

Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3:
Day 4:

Older movies:
NEIDRAH 1 (MM Hunt Wotlk 1v2 arenas)
NEIDRAH 2 (MM Hunt Cata WPvP)
NEIDRAH 3 (BM Hunt Cata WPvP)
NEIDRAH 4 (MM Hunt Cata WPvP)

Improve your Arena skills, get Gladiator in 3v3 or Legend in Solo Shuffle with Blazing Boost!
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