Movie Summary
Once upon a time behind the scenes of making Hunters. Channel crew - director Elias Hellion, camera operator Lordaeronish, angry techinician Willey Machinimatix and other tell the true story about making the movie. Documentary shots, real argues and all truth about how we are making our machinimas and trying to make them great again. Feel the spirit of filmmaking in this animated short WoW machinima.
EN -
RU -
Also meet our crew member - Lordaeronish and visit his Instagram page -
Thanks to great voice actors:
Lordaeronish & Willy Machinimatix & Minc & Etherial - Vladibear (
Elias Hellion - Konge (
Declan - Shawn Clines (
Tourn - Astralogion (
and as always to Sir Thompshire and his mustache