Hamoudy IV: BFA s1 PVP ( Fire & Frost Mage Gameplay) by Hamoudy
Class: Mage | Category: PvP | Server : US - Kel'Thuzad ( Nightfall )
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Movie Summary
Disclaimer (By Hamoudy)-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Welcome Once again to video number 4 ... This video is purely for entertainment no demonstration of any skills. I love to share my gaming experience with you guys. Warcraft has been an inspiration for me with a lot of ups and down. What to expect in this video a lot and yes a lot of arena Wops did I mention (((ARENA)) xD ... you will see Rogue/Mage/priest vs a lot of comps some are in 2.6+ to 2.8+ Rating and MMR those are Fire gameplay clips... The second part is Frost gameplay with Low item level (ilvl288-295 vs 365-375 players) those clips are in 1.9-2.1+ MMR ((( Beware a lot of fast forward cause who would want to watch a full length of an arena game.. it's all about the kill))) ... finally, some early season clips followed by some 2v2 as rogue-mage or Rdruid-Mage...

Mages are my favorite class in wow been playing a mage since Launch till present

I do hope you enjoy the clips I selected (=^_^=) .. Excuse the editing skills .. learning as i go

All my clips were a random selection from BFA season 1.. The video is purely for entertainment no demonstration of any skills. my computer isn't powerful enough to edit for a long time due to crashes so this video does not have much of effects in it. I am a 2.8xp Player on mage
What to expect Alot and alot of Arena Footage:
Some 2.6-2.8mmr Clips as Fire -Assassination rogue- Disc priest
Some 1.8-2.1mmr clips as frost - Assassination rogue - Disc Priest
Some 2v2 : Rogue-mage and Restodruid mage
Big Shout out and Thanks to partners i played with
Rogues ( Icee - Tomcruiseirl - Sinistta - Lavii - Ferlfuzi - Roland - Thoug - Techenine )
Priest ( Claud - Wontonjonn - moonstin - Pball - worstlol ) D
Druid ( the Legend Nightsaber on Druid Niok)
Enemy Team
Wetdreamx(rogue) - Drifts(mnage) - ploosreborn(paladin) - Jax(rogue) - veronicaxo(mage) - clemonsx(druid) - Studzy(paladin) - Supatease(druid) - Kiszgb(Shaman) - Notjalopy(warrior) - Girlicious(Shaman) - Okenqt(Monk) -Aunzdh(DemonHunter) - toomuchpcp(Shaman)- Shadowkenlol(Priest) -Sparktalulas(Priest) -Paladinka(paladin) - Warr(warrior) - Iays (Priest)-Nelypifftado(mage)- kpul(rogue) - Bestworld(shaman)-Icecold(priest)-Liramine(Druid) -Resilence(Shaman)-BirdbrainBob(DH)- Tinylegtim(Priest)- Atroxx(Priest)- notmooshings(Shaman) - Dossubk(Druid) - laughingorr(ROgue) - Darkmaple(mage) - Irisella(Priest) - Conttun(warrior) - Ulqlorra (DH) - Drfingers (monk) - Midnight (rogue) - BombSushi(Mage) - Thingx (shaman) - Fam(Warrior) -Woezx(monk) - Pisgayp ( Rogue) - Healedbicep(pally) - Myholypriest (druid) -Revoqt(DK) - Pancakes (druid) - Emptybottle(priest) - Dredrop (Shaman) - Moosez (shaman)- Rouk(Warrior) - Tonysmash (warrior) - paxi (priest) - billpaxton (Priest) - Helwin (hunter ) - Lynk (shaman) - Sasuketakaa (Pally) - Adurabull ( Monk) - littledragon (MOnk) - Sweetsweetxx(Druid) - Typh (rogue ) - Bronzer (Shaman) - Tpokez (Shaman ) - Mauldiva (druid)
Recorded and played by Hamoudy
Thanks to all the players that tagged along for the fun BFA s1 pvp.

Release Date: December 6 , 2018
Duration: 19:14
Toons in video: Hamoudy Kel'thuzad, Hamoudy Tichondrius , Hamöudy - Tichondrius

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=TRACKLIST -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

1. Dark sSignal - Drag Me to Hell
2. Onlap - Whispers In My Head
3. Envoi - Raising The Bar
4. Cold Driven - The Whicked SIde of Me
5.Kisma - Fingertips

--------- Other Links ---------

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVeoHoBXs9BgXObyWq2WiuQ?view_as=subscriber

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Hamoudy1986/

Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/hamoudy86

Improve your Arena skills, get Gladiator in 3v3 or Legend in Solo Shuffle with Blazing Boost!
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