Sbkzor - Ten Years of WoW by Sbkzor
Class: Multiple | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Test Server Europe
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Movie Summary

Welcome on SbkzorTV Farewell
A ten years WoW Classic TBC Story

--------- Disclamer ---------

• Special Thanks to •

Orcbit & Perplexity for the guest voice acting! #Classic
Neilyo for the interview #TheBoss
League of Machinima (especially : Sir Thompshire, Thalia, Grave)
Oldsalt (& Henhouse) #Dedication
Paolly for being such an awesome mate, and person #BestCow
All my mates and person mentionned in my credit part
All my community
And last but not least, WCM Community, for the quality support that i've received, the loads of 5/5, the feedbacks even when it was 2/5.
Thanks to Uzbeki for carrying that website, and Opie for keeping it alive now

--------- TRACKLIST ---------

00:00 (Disclaimer) Blue Stahli - You'll Get What's Coming ft. Mark Salomon (Sebastian komor remix)
00:27 Eleven33 - Rise

07:08 The rumjacks - An irish Pub Song
13:45 The Collapsable Hearts Club - Easy Street
14:22 Pendulum - The island - Part 1 (Skrillex remix)
17:40 Paerish - Undone
21:58 JayKode - Know Better (ft. Mister Blonde)
23:02 Thomas Flood - The Grand Illusion
23:16 Audiomachine - Judge and Jury
23:53 AudioPizza - Daughter Of The Flame [Epic Hybrid Trailer]
24:53 Daft Punk - Harder better faster stronger (Far Out remix)
28:34 Teamspeak Rec. (2009) Guild Lightning - Sukyx playing piano
29:24 Coldplay - Fix You (Hearts & Colors cover)

Interview with Neilyo
31:28 $ayonara. - b l a c k
34:38 $ayonara. - i am here
36:26 Emmx - Hopeless

--------- Other Links ---------

SilentShadows Classic TBC Rogue Website (soon)
SbkzorTV on Youtube
SbkzorTV on Facebook
Discord Server

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Rating: 4.95 / 5
Category Rank: 2930
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