Shirewood - Ep 1: Ashes and Echoes (A WoW Machinima) by Delyarath
Class: Mage | Category: Machinima | Server : EU - Argent Dawn ( Bloodlust )
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Movie Summary
After the fall of the Lich King, the Banshee Queen Sylvanas struck an alliance with the powerful and ominous Val'kyr. Teetering at the precipice of the Cataclysm, Sylvanas seeks to bolster the forces of her Forsaken with the Valk'yr's unholy magics, resurrecting new Forsaken from the dead to ensure the survival of their kind.

Though not all risen remember their past life. Elizabeth Shirewood wakes from her grave, given new life in undeath, but such at the cost of her memories. She ventures forth in search for answers, to find herself, at the mercy of a cold, lonely world.

Such a big thank you to the wonderful V.A.'s listed below!

Libbie Carr as Elizabeth:

Inrezairo as Freyja Hartford and the Val'kyr:

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More episodes are to come!
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