C o t D: Operation Scholomance - Part 1 by BaronSoosdon
Class: Multiple | Category: Machinima | Server : EU - Twilight's Hammer ( Blackout )
4.79 /5 243 ? ? 254 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Here it finally is - after two weeks of editing, rendering, testing, saving, crashing, fixing, sleeping and a little wow playing almost every day.

The whole movie is done with WoWmodelviewer and WoWmapviewer - though there is one short scene where i use in-game material.

The story evolves around an Argent Dawn team sent to Scholomance to see what went wrong there with the previous team..

There is no voice acting (oh noes) - so dig up that good old imagination from the depths of your bank - or go buy a new one from AH! :P


If you wonder why the charachters have "weird" looking tabards is because of my stupidity.. when the movie was about 90% complete I realized that they had no belts :x There might be some scaling issues also due to the creation method.


That's right folks - no future for this one. Instead I will be making something very different with a plot in 2008. That's the plan at least :).
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