Despair - A WoW 3D Animation by Piwoot Machinima by Pivotal
Class: Unknown | Category: Machinima | Server : EU - Outland ( Misery )
5.00 /5 15 ? ? 355 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Recently married, Shaena and her soulmate William couldn't be happier. However, William is called to fight the Legion in the third war and forced to leave his wife behind.
Hey guys!
This is the prequel to my Letting Go movie. It focuses on the events that lead up to it.
This video took me more than four months to do, so if you enjoyed it, please give it a thumbs up and hit that subscribe button!


With additional help from MasterVertex:

Softwares used:

Cinema 4D
Autodesk Maya
Adobe After effects
Wow ModelViewer

Song used: Ashran, Stormshield Music
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5.00 /5

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Zygor Guides

Movie Achievements

Views: 136,489
Daily Views: 45
Rating: 5.00 / 5
Category Rank: 276
Zygor Guides

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