First Skirmishes of 6.2 - Return The Hunter by Return
Class: Hunter | Category: PvP | Server : US - Emerald Dream ( Shadowburn )
5.00 /5 4 ? ? 285 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
CAUTION: Stream highlight footage. If that turns you off, don't bother watching.

Hey all, I don't normally do this, but I'm pretty hyped about 6.2 after not playing WoW much for the last 3 months, and had a lot of fun goofing around gearing in the first day it was out.

This video is a brief highlight reel of us screwing around in skirmishes, music kicks in after the intro part. This isn't really a skill video, or arena match to completion tutorial as much as it was some fun moments on stream that I wanted to memorialize.

If you want to join us next time around, it's

Forgiveness - MADE IN HEIGHTS

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