Movie Summary
Welcome to another installment to the Flaw series. I hope you enjoy it, it is a bit different than what you might have come to expect.
First off, it is almost entirely 2v2 arenas. I just dinged 100 so don't expect the best gear or the highest ratings (not that my movies have ever been about that).
Second, it is entirely Assassination spec. I can't bring myself to play combat, it just doesn't interest me.
Third, there's a brief segment (the intro) that is recorded from the 90-99 bracket for 1v2 purposes. Everyone is bumped up to 99 stats in that bracket so ignore the levels.
The music and editing shouldn't come as any big surprise. Original soundtrack, synchronized with the editing. Here's the song list in case you're wondering:
Kacy Hill - Experience
Civil Twilight - River
Modest Mouse - Lampshades on Fire
Alabama Shakes - Don't Wanna Fight
Unknown Mortal Orchestra - Multi Love
Phoria - Undone
Oh and there's Akrios, he's back. :)
*** I didn't want to add annotations to my video because I thought it would be distracting, but I went ahead and made a key to highlight what I was trying to show in each clip.
0-3:26 1v2's
3:27-4:44 Survive with 1300 HP, Focus Sap off clone, focus ks, comeback win.
4:45-5:07 Focus Ks , Focus Sap Nature Swift.
5:08-5:52 Pull warrior behind pillar, restealth cs, focus sap healer, bomb, focus blind, focus sap, kill.
5:53-6:15 Focus blind, focus ks, envenom through BoP for kill.
6:16-6:38 Open Hunter, vanish sap druid to interupt clone as he comes out of stealth.
6:39-7:35 Focus kick Water Ele, restealth with ele/images on me.
7:36-8:39 Force trinket/tree on druid,swap, CC chain and focus kick to land kill.
8:40-9:04 CC chain on priest, land kill on hunter moments before moonkin dies.
9:05-9:45 Focus sap off shaman's totem stun.
9:46-10:09 Mage loses combat from poly/smokebomb. Focus blind interupts scorch, mage trinkets into focus sap.
10:10-10:31 Focus Kick, Kick drops combat, focus sap to interrupt clone.
10:32-11:34 CC Chain on Monk, Focus kick to land kill.
11:35-13:38 CC chains/interupts on Priest, last minute smokebomb to interupt flash heal, focus kick on penance to land kill.
13:39-17:32 Duels vs Akrios
17:33-End Credits, Long CC chain on Druid, followed by random game against Maldiva.
Sorry for the video quality. WCM has a 2 gig max limit now and it's hard to get a 21 minute movie under that limit. As a result some of the quality was lost. Make sure you view it on "FHD" setting, it's unwatchable otherwise. I'll try to get a stream and a mirror up with a better render asap, but Youtube wont let me use the music.
*Thanks to for making my Korias/Akrios animation*
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