Acrono - T.A.R - 0/31/30 (Reupload) by Nisx
Class: Rogue | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Stormscale ( Cyclone )
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Movie Summary
Since the original video is no longer, i decided to reupload it.


Part 1: Intro/1v3 Skirmish (I know, bad fight, but heck long queues, 1 fight will do)
Part 2: Duels vs Agramon, Devian and Chrille
Part 3: 2v2 Arena (Literally only 3 fights fraps as had to cut out on others half way through due to odd freezes)
Part 4: World PvP (Ganking crapper geared opponents? yes, lots of it, and some silly stuff by me too :( Its not very serious so dont take it so, I am mainly playing around, such as killing targets in wrong order just to spice things up)
Part 5: 3v3 Arena (Our unique setup in action, possibly may make others want to try this themselves)


Improve your Arena skills, get Gladiator in 3v3 or Legend in Solo Shuffle with Blazing Boost!
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