Drunken PvP -Ventrilo 12- by Sefearion
Class: Multiple | Category: Machinima | Server : EU - Arathor ( Blackout )
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Movie Summary
The twelfth episode of the Drunken PvP series is here at last!

Finished this bad boy with several hours to spare. I'm as good as my word :) Prepping the next video now!

Audio quality will vary between players since these were ripped directly from Ventrilo/Skype so don't expect crisp and clear voices.

Cheers to everyone who took part in PvP thus far. Many of the recorded conversations date several months back whereas some are more recent. Some good news on the horizon as some of the old school players are coming back to give PvP another try so this will give me another chance to capture more up-to-date material to share with you folks!

No fancy editing here, just the basic of the basics. With WoW Model Viewer being glitchy as hell and Map Viewer no longer working it was borderline impossible to do any advanced editing. Please refrain from spamming or flaming, enjoy the video.

There's bound to be a few spelling errors and missing words within the subtitles, I detest doing them because it's beyond tedious. A few words may differ due to the slang we use, enjoy!

-Commonly Asked Questions-

1) What server do you play on?

- We play on Arathor (EU) server on Alliance. However with Cross-Realm grouping our players are everywhere both Horde and Alliance. (Right now we are Horde).

2) Can I join your Vent?

-Short answer is no! I get way too many requests for this and we simply do not have space nor do we wish to risk giving the vent info out so easily. The vent server is not mine so I personally do not have permission to grant access.

3) How do I join you guys?

-This is tough to answer as we only tend to add newcomers when other friends recommend them.

4) How do you get the voices from Ventrilo/Skype?

-Vent has a built in recording tool which can also be used to extract the conversations as a wav. file. I use Evaer to record the Skype conversations.

5) Are you going to more of these videos?

- Yes. As long as people continue to view, Like, Comment, Subscribed Share this video and my channel etc, then I'll continue to edit these videos :)


P.S: For anyone who wants to partner up with a network and be rewarded for the content you upload I would recommend signing up with "Union For Gamers". They offer great support and give a great deal of freedom for your editing unlike other partnership programs.


The link above can allow you to go through the process of signing. Using my referral link helps my myself and my channel as well ;)
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WCM Fame: 85
Rank: 150 (of 510,000 )
Movies Released: 24
Total Views: 994,334
Zygor Guides

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