Movie Summary
Still in ICC, but today in 25man Heroic !
0:00 Marrowgar : Glyph Ice Block to avoid the Bone Spine and burn him
1:32 Lady Deathwhisper : Kill the Cult Adherents as soon as they spawn. If you don't they'll shield themselves with a spell reflect and you won't be able to kill them. I oneshotted myself several times, be careful.
3:32 Gunship : Arcane required. Step out of your cannon before the adds spawn on your ship, multidot the Riflemen, rinse and repeat.
11:30 Saurfang : Could not kill him in Heroic due to his life steal and frenzy.
13:30 Festergut, 15:32 Rotface, 17:34 Putricide, 20:03 Blood Prince Council, 21:09 Lana'thel, 22:33 Sindragosa : Just nuke.
25:14 The Lich King : I chose to tank him with Jugg trinket, be careful with MI in P1, kill the Raging Spirits asap.
Enjoy :)
Armory :
You can play with Pro players at Blazing Boost and get your Keystone Master, Ahead of the Curve, and gear up fast!