Movie Summary
The Level Cap Noob is a WoW Machinima created by TheLazyPeon about a Noob that has finally hit Level Cap in World of Warcraft after months of work.
Unfortunately after hitting level cap he realised that he is nothing spacial and due to his green Pandaria levelling gear is unable to raid or PvP.
He also discovers that his level cap was no spectacular achievement as Blizzard have just introduced the level 90 Character boost.
This WoW Machinima shows the Level Cap Noob wandering Azeroth, getting trolled, killed and tormented for his noobie ways.
Do you think that reaching level cap is still an achievement? or do you think that the level cap is simply a meaningless number? are Blizzard wrong by introducing the level 90 Character boost BEFORE warlords of draenor? leave a comment and tell me your opinion
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The Level Cap Noob A WoW Machinima By The Lazy Peon
Level Cap Noob