Retribution Solo - ICC25HC - Icecrown Citadel 25 HC (10/12) - Part 1 by Shjami
Class: Paladin | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : EU - Blackhand ( Todbringer )
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Movie Summary
Hey Guy's ;)

Welcome to the First part of my ICC25 HC Soloing with some Ret World First kills :P

-Lord Marrowgar 25HC: The only talent you have to change is in Tier 6, you need Light's Hammer for this to kill the spikes.

-Lady Deathwisper 25HC: Which talents you choose here is not pretty important only thing you have to know here is that you have to move out of Death and Decay and always kill the adds.

-Gunship Battle 25nhc: It is possible on HC to solo it but i don't like the encounter pretty much so nhc is a good deal for me :P but check out this video to see how it works on HC

-Deathbringer Saurfang 25HC: At the current state it's only able to solo him with Prot specc. hopefully that changes with WoD. You have to use the following talents Sacred Shield, Divine Purpose and Execution Sentence. Never forget to buff Sacred Shield to gain a pretty high absorb over time and dont kill the adds you need them to get more Attack power.

-Item level: 555 (Ret) 501 (Prot)

-Armory Link's to my Paladins:

New Main:
Old Main:

-Movie Song List:

-Song Name: K-391 - Dream Of Something Sweet ft. Cory Friesenhan
-Time: 0:13 - 04:38

-Song Name: Venemy & Aznar ft. Doubletake - Reign
-Time: 04:38 - 06:01

I do not own the Song's used in this Video. All Tracks are from:

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