Bawk - Moonkin PvP - BG #3 Silvershard Mines Weekend! by bawk
Class: Druid | Category: PvP | Server : US - Bleeding Hollow ( Ruin )
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Movie Summary
Multiple BGs over the course of 2+ hours or so. Ran premades with my guild, Noc i Dzien on Bleeding Hollow and we won every single bg we did today, with 4 of us grouped up. Was super fun! :3 I also got my Master of Silvershard Mines chieve today, figured I could get one of those out of the way while it was the CTA.

More video editing practice -- hoping that it makes things more interesting! Since I admit that Boomkin PvP isn't as exciting as say a melee. xD

Anyways, enjoy!

Music provided by Monstercat Media

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