Speed Painting - Worgen Hunter & Pet! by bawk
Class: Hunter | Category: Other | Server : US - Bleeding Hollow ( Ruin )
4.73 /5 6 ? ? 27 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Speed Painting I completed today on my 32'' flatscreen tv.
It is of my Hunter, Tobi and his Loque'nahak named Nahak.

Armor isn't specifically meant to represent armor in the game, I took a little artistic liberty w/ the chest, pants and gloves to eyedropper pick some colours from the shoulders and helm to match.

Overall, it took me about 2 hours total to paint. I am trying to not really focus on specific areas but leave everything simplistic as I possibly could without super zooming in for major details.

I'm an illustrator with a Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts.

Music provided by DubStepGutter
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