War of the Ancients - Trailer #2 by Keytal
Class: Priest | Category: Machinima | Server : EU - Stormscale ( Cyclone )
4.99 /5 88 ? ? 168 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Hi there!

A non monetized project from the fans to the fans!

After almost 2 years of production I would like to show you our latest trailer of our project: War of the Ancients - The Well of Eternity

The past months a lot of you guys messaged me about the movie, asking about the progress we made so far. I must say we are in the finish line and we are doing great. We took a lot of criticism (in a good way) after I released the first trailer and we decided to up the standards to a point where we can be proud of our work no matter what comments we get.

I must say the results are already amazing even tho the movie is not done yet, alot of afterwork and polishing incoming still.



We still need good and dedicated voice actors. Nowadays it is extremly hard to find dedicated people especially if we expect the job done for completely free. Since we don't get a cent for what we do we cannot offer anything unfortunately but I hope we still have voice actors out there in the community who do their work out of fun just like we do.

If you are interested please leave a message on my youtube channel:



If you have any question please leave a comment here and I will add an FAQ section to this description and I will fill it with the answers.

Please help us and SUPPORT this project with voting this to be in spotlight so more people can spot this project. Pubplicity and your feedback is all we want/need and since we do this for those not money, we would like to get the biggest audience possible for the movie. Please help us achieve this with your support!

Thank you very much, hope you will enjoy this trailer!

Check our channels for more:

Trailers and Video Sequences - Keytal

Unique models and previews - Vaanel

Special thanks to Nixxiom for the awesome background image!
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Zygor Guides

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Views: 311,245
Daily Views: 73
Rating: 4.99 / 5
Category Rank: 67
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