Over the Mists - Trailer by feangren
Class: Multiple | Category: Machinima | Server : EU - Kirin Tor ( Cataclysme )
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Movie Summary
The Royal IdP Essploring Fundation ia back in business, and obviously, a new expansion means new landscapes and new hidden places.
As usual, we took it on ourselves to spend our time in these remotes and lost lands (sometimes with a slightly simplistic design). And we thought, let's film ourselves there !

Here is the trailer for the new movie from the RIdPEF studios, Over The Mists. This movie will mostly contain essplorations made in Pandaria, but also some never seen before shots from a some classic places, and also a little bit of time traver, into lands long forgotten.

As for Across the Horizon, our previous movie, Over the Mists is a collaborative project. This means that everything on this video will be filmed by the members of our community. Every essploration shown is performed on official Blizzard servers, obviously.

As for myself, I will take care of the editing.
Enjoy the vid�o !


La Royal IdP Essploring Fundation est de retour, et �videmment, nouvelle extension signifie nouvelles contr�es et nouveaux paysages cach�s.
Comme � l'accoutum�e, nous avons fait de notre devoir de passer notre temps dans des endroits recul�s et perdus (et � la d�coration parfois... simpliste). Et comme cela faisait longtemps, nous avons d�cid� de nous filmer dans ces lieux.

Voici donc la bande-annonce du prochain film des studios RIdPEF, Over The Mists. Ce film contiendra majoritairement des essplorations r�alis�es en Pandarie, mais �galement quelques vues in�dites de certains classiques, ainsi qu'un voyage dans le temps, dans une �poque lointaine, tr�s lointaine.

Comme Across the Horizon, notre pr�c�dent film, Over the Mists est un projet collaboratif. C'est � dire que le contenu de cette vid�o aura �t� film� par les membres de la RIdPEF. Bien �videmment, chaque essploration montr�e aura �t� r�alis�e sur les serveurs de Blizzard.

Quand � moi, je me chargerai du montage.
Bon visionnage !



Soundtrack : Dr Who OST Season 6 - Melody Pond
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