Against The World - Boostz V Mage PvP by Rushz
Class: Mage | Category: PvP | Server : US - Frostmourne ( Bloodlust )
4.84 /5 28 ? ? 869 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary

Note: If you are having troubles playing the .mp4 d/l , try AVS media player.

Note 2: I am not lvl 90. I am lvl 85.

Hey guys, it's been a while. I wasn't too active in Cata, and I play healers at endgame which is no fun to watch. Really wanted to get back into video editing and whatnot.

This is a world pvp/duel video as an XP-off 85 Mage. All footage was taken during 5.2. The world pvp consists mostly of vs. 90s, with a few vs. x of various levels. Duels are vs. Other 85 XP-off players.

There is no BG/Arena footage, I wanted to make sure it was 100% out of zoned pvp.

I hope you enjoy it.

Song List:
Johnny Cash - God's Gonna Cut You Down
Red - Damage
Papa Roach - Breathe You In
Blue Stahli - Let's Go
Passenger - Reverse
Slipknot - Duality (Belzebass Remix)

Artwork is thanks to, check him out, he's kind of amazing.

Fed up with toxic random teammates from LFG? Blazing Boost offers the best coaches to push arena rating!
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