Eltonowns Rogue TBC PvP 2.4.3 by Eltonowns
Class: Rogue | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Aerie Peak ( Misery )
4.87 /5 71 ? ? 356 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Prefer using Youtube-stream for even some kind of viewing experience. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UQGQcQFmBc

After 50 tries i gave up and rendered this with bit lower quality..the mothafucka just kept crashing. Its still watchable.

Hallo! Here is a little lvl 70 world pvp movie i have created time to
I didn't have any script/plan for this when i started frapsing so thats why it turned out quite messy/confusing still i had loads of fun making it! Yes..all the opponents are noobs/bad geared etc but ain't they quite equal for me then? :]

I didn't have high expectations for this video when i started making this video..so if even 1 person finds himself entertained while watching this..my job is done :]

The reason i used way different gear in modelviewer is that when i started frapsing my character had nearly full green/blue gear and he looked like a hobo/stupid farmer.

-Clear UI
-Bad opponents
-100% World PvP
-No dubstep trance etc.
-Quite much editing effects (done badly)
-Tracklist at the end

wow-one.come // Archangel 2.4.3

Like it or not..already making 2nd part :) Playing as Mutilate.

Same old shit, just a different day. Entertainment purposes only.

Peace out.

EDIT: Its really nice to have this kind of feedback! It really makes me wanna do more and way better movies in the near future. Also im quite amazed that there are still people who like the good 'old-school worldPvP' and this kind of videos. When i was uploading this video i was quite unsure about it, but glad to see that the 'scene' ain't dead yet! :) I'm just somehow pretty disappointed in the quality of this video..it would have been way different thing with 1440x1080 Full HD quality..But no can do! Have a nice summer everyone.

Improve your Arena skills, get Gladiator in 3v3 or Legend in Solo Shuffle with Blazing Boost!
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