PILAV STYLE - Hilarious Drunk MoP 2v2 Hunter/Warrior by Zumio
Class: Hunter | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Outland ( Misery )
4.64 /5 25 ? ? 384 MB Correct Share
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Zumio's Arena Team 1
Zumio Pilavpowa
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WARNING: Lots of alcohol was consumed in the making of this video!

MoP 2v2 is HERE!! Pilav came back at 3am completely smashed, but didn't stop drinking! Probably the second most drunk I've ever seen him, know for a fact he has a massive hangover today.. but who cares! We got to rank 4 in 2's on our battlegroup last night even when Pilav was so drunk... rank 1 inc!

Please like the video if you enjoyed it, now I have faster internet and am all settled into new job/life I will start making lots more regularly! CYA BRO!

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