Movie Summary
Stream link :
I'm currently playing on Light's Hope Elysium as Ppaarkinsonn and Anathema realm as Ppaarkk
and sometimes Nostalgeek (ive never played on Kronos/feenix)
Rank14 Frost mage from the Vanilla
This is my first video, also my first step in editing.
This video features Lewd (Rape and Decay), Lickmyb
Innerpartysystem - Die tonight
Paul kalkbrenner - Revolte
Bass Overload- Razat (Beazt remix)
Escape the fate - This war is ours
Korn (feat skrillex and kill the noise) - Narcissistic Cannibal
The glitch mob - We can make the world stop
Hanging on - Hate mosh and amp, shy kidx Butterfly
Improve your Arena skills, get Gladiator in 3v3 or Legend in Solo Shuffle with Blazing Boost!