Broove 3: Double Ele (ZEUSCLEAVE) by Kuvull
Class: Shaman | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Stormscale ( Cyclone )
4.90 /5 59 ? ? 948 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Kuvull's Arena Team 1
Broovex Bilelx/Bilss
Similar Setups
Well... I guess you can slightly imagine what double Ele in arenas is about, but let me give you a short clue:

8 Totems
2x Thunderstorm
2x Hex
Roots without DR
MASSIVE burst via bolts n' storms + tons of heal!

Sounds like fun? IT IS, I promise.

After uncountable hours were spend into editing and recording the footage, I am proud to present you Broove 3, consisting of two ele shamans playing the, like I use to call it:

I tryed to give this arena video some kind of "soul" which nevertheless entertains, because I personally dislike arena footage thrown together with random music.

To cut long words short:

Make sure to turn up your speakers and enjoy finest double ele vs good players and/or teams on higher rating (2250-2500+ mmr) played on


The music is well synced to the footage, so I strongly recommend NOT to mute it!


Markus Schulz & Jochen Miller - Rotunda (Original Mix)
Celldweller - Eon
Megadeth - Set The World Afire
Static -X - Control it
In Flames - Borders and Shading
Drowning Pool - Step up
Crossfade - Colours

Questions & contact:

Skype: mornmm
Ingame: Broovex/Broovexz/Imimmortalx
On or send me a PM on WCM!


- Broove(x)


The scene with Hirnfrost is meant as a tribute. :)

And for all of you who are wondering about the s1-s4 and t1-t6 gear and/or weapons, they have s8 stats and are available via rating.

More infos can be found here: or on

Fed up with toxic random teammates from LFG? Blazing Boost offers the best coaches to push arena rating!
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4.90 /5

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