[Guide] - In-Depth Death Knight PvP Guide - Patch 4.3 by mbXtreme
Class: Death Knight | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Nathrezim ( Blutdurst )
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Welcome to my In-Depth Death Knight PvP Guide!

*** Character ***


*** Enchants ***

Arcanum of Vicious Strength and the Greater Inscription of Vicious Strength: PvP Vendor
Dragonscale Leg Armor: Leatherworker or Auction House
Ebonsteel Belt Buckle: Blacksmither or Auction House
Rune of Fallen Crusader: Runeforging
All other Enchants: Enchanter

*** Talent Trees ***

Unholy - 0/8/33 Spec:

LINK (Including Glyphs):

Master Frost - 3/31/7 Spec:

LINK (Including Glyphs):

Regular Frost - 3/31/7 Spec:

LINK (Including Glyphs):

*** Macros ***

All in One Death Coil Macro:

#showtooltip Death Coil
/cast [nomod] Death Coil
/cast [mod:alt, @pet] Death Coil
/cast [mod:shift] Lichborne
/cast [mod:shift, @YOURNAME] Death Coil

All in One Death Coil Macro - Frost Strike Version:

/cast [nomod] [color=#88ffff][b]Frost[/b][/color] Strike
/cast [mod:alt, @pet] Death Coil
/cast [mod:shift] Lichborne
/cast [mod:shift, @YOURNAME] Death Coil

Sacrifice Macro:

#showtooltip Death Pact
/target Ebon Gargoyle
/cast Death Pact
/cast [mod:shift, @Pet] Death Pact

Pet Gnaw Macro:

#showtooltip Gnaw
/petattack [mod:shift, @focus]
/petautocaston [nomod] Claw
/petautocastoff [mod:alt] Claw
/petautocastoff [mod:shift] Claw
/cast [mod:shift, @focus] Leap
/cast [mod:alt] Gnaw
/cast [mod:shift, @focus] Gnaw

Cancelaura Macro:

/cancelaura Lichborne
/cancelaura Hand of Protection
/cancelaura Ice Block
/cancelaura Divine Shield

Unholy Frenzy Macro:

#showtooltip Unholy Frenzy
/cast [nomod, @YOURNAME] Unholy Frenzy
/use [nomod] Cataclysmic Gladiator's Badge of Victory
/cast [mod:shift, @HEALERNAME] Unholy Frenzy

Focus Macros:


Focus Strangulate (with Blood Tap)

#showtooltip Strangulate
/cast Blood Tap
/cast [nomod] Strangulate
/cast [mod:shift, @focus] Strangulate

Focus Death Grip

#showtooltip Death Grip
/cast [nomod] Death Grip
/cast [mod:shift, @focus] Death Grip

Focus Chains of Ice

#showtooltip Chains of Ice
/cast [nomod] Chains of Ice
/cast [mod:shift, @focus] Chains of Ice

Focus Mind Freeze

#showtooltip Mind Freeze
/cast [nomod] Mind Freeze
/cast [mod:shift, @focus] Mind Freeze

*** Song ***

Tobi Montana - Ghettoromantik

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Have Fun!

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