Neidrah 3: Temporarily Beasty by Neidrah
Class: Hunter | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Frostmane ( Misery )
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Movie Summary
Neidrah's Arena Team 1
Lunatick Neidrah
Similar Setups


I finished it! Neidrah 3! :D

It's great to be back! Let me start by saying it'll probably be the only video of me playing BeastMaster (hence the title) sorry for the people that love that spec, but MM will probably always be my favorite :p. Then I would add that it's (even) more of a fun movie than what I've made so far. Because it's how I see BeastMastery: As my 2nd fun spec. So if you're looking for something more fast-paced and "serious", check out Neidrah 2

-No epic intro, this time ;)
-World PvP
-A couple 2's as MM/Feral (~2.2k)
-Some BG's

As usual, most of my enemies are bad and undergeared! (I'm not really well geared either in this video, though :p) But remember, that's part of what world PvP is about! This movie is not about skill but about enjoying pvp to the max!
So I hope you guys will enjoy watching it! If you do, feel free to +skill/+spotlight, I'd appreciate it! (Views are hard to get, these days ;p)

Also, as I said already, there's much more to come (more world pvp, tricks, arena and even some action on Arena-Tournament), so stay tuned!

Karnivool - Set Fire To The Hive
Mayhem - Galaxy Eater
Prodigy - First Warning
The Used - Wake the Dead
Buckcherry - Dead
Mutemath - Chaos

My older movies:
Neidrah 2 (World PvP+BG+Arenas ~2.2k)
Neidrah 2 Trailer (with an awesome 1v3 that's not in Neidrah 2!)
Neidrah 1 (1v2 arenas in Wotlk)

Improve your Arena skills, get Gladiator in 3v3 or Legend in Solo Shuffle with Blazing Boost!
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