Crueler Heads Prevail by Oblivious Films
Class: Multiple | Category: Machinima | Server : US - Malygos ( Vindication )
4.78 /5 26 ? ? 132 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Oblivious Films finally takes a crack at going it alone in the 48 Hour Film Project, after teaming up with Stone Falcon Productions for three years in a row. Megathanks to Sam "Sedrin" Pierce of Slashdance for providing the musical soundtrack.

Amazingly, we got this sucker done with something like 15 hours to spare, and we won the following awards:

Best Directing
Best Writing
Best Voice Acting
Best Editing (tied with "Cinemart Cake Team")
Best Use of Character (tied with "Halls of Cort")


OVERALL WINNER! Which included an incredibly generous $3000 prize, and the ability to compete against other regional winners.

Check out the other entries here:
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4.78 /5

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Zygor Guides

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Views: 94,896
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Rating: 4.78 / 5
Category Rank: 463
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