Neidrah 3: Temporarily Beasty (Trailer) by Neidrah
Class: Hunter | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Frostmane ( Misery )
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Movie Summary

Yoooo guyzzz!

I know that my answer to a lot of people who asked me about the release date of the next movie was always "Soon!"... I'm sorry about that, I lied! ;) The reason was the same as always, I wasn't really playing wow for some times, etc, etc...
Anywayzzz! Allow me to try and redeem myself! Because here it is! Finally! The trailer of my next movie to come anytime soon! I'll try to release it in the next few days! (The song used is Bloodmeat by Protest the Hero)

It'll contain:
✦ BeastMastery World PvP!
✦ Disengages and jumps and stuff!
✦ Maybe some arena (I've got clips, but I don't know if I wanna keep
that movie being only Open Pvp or not... what do you think?)
✦ No duel this time

Also, after that one, there's gonna be a lot of stuff coming! I have a looot of old and less old clips that I believe are worth watching, and I will soon have more time to edit all that!

What will come soon in the future:
✦ A lot of MM World PvP! (After all, that's the best Spec ;p)
✦ Some fun Feral/Hunt Arenas, Junglecleave (~2.2k) still featuring
✦ Some duels
✦ Always more tricks and disengages and all those things that's so
entertaining to watch! :p

➤ For the first time: Some action from Arena-Tournament!
There'll be some World PvP (with the good old Wotlk MM Spec)
Some nostalgia with some 1v2 in Skirmish, like in my very first
movie! (go watch it if you haven't!) and some Feral/Hunter arena

All that stuff will come in probably 3 separate movies, so, stay tuned!
(And please give some skillpoint/spotlight if you think it deserves it ♥)

While waiting for that movie to come, why don't you watch my older movies, if you havent already? :p (The links are on your right >>>)

If you want to improve your PvP skills, and become a beast in Arenas, Blazing Boost provides Arena coaching for all classes and specs!
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