Wanderings of an Essplorer by feangren
Class: Hunter | Category: Underground | Server : EU - Ysondre ( Vengeance )
4.90 /5 8 ? ? 93 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Wanderings of an Essplorer est un projet de film d'essploration qui me tient � coeur depuis le mois d'ao�t. Le mois dernier, je me suis enfin d�cid� � commencer � filmer, et voici la bande annonce de ce film, qui durera environ une quarantaine de minutes. Je tiens � remercier ma guilde, The Horde (Ysondre EU), ainsi que la Royal IdP Essploring Fundation pour l'aide apport�e � la cr�ation de ce film.

J'esp�re que vous appr�cierez cette bande annonce :)


Wanderings of an Essplorer is a essploration film project that I've invested a lot of energy since last august. Last month, I eventually decided to film some scenes, and this is the teaser of this movie, which will last approximatively 40 minutes. I want to thank my guild, The Horde (Ysondre EU) and the Royal IdP Essploring Fundation for all the help that I have recieved.

I hope that you will enjoy this teaser :)


The Horde : http://www.thehorde.fr/
The Royal IdP Essploring Fundation : http://www.ridpef-forum.org/
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