Hey Guys, Poonxo here with my third 3v3 arena movie for season 10!
With the current state of arena. It takes my 3v3 team roughly 8-15 minutes to get an arena pop and I'm positive it's exactly the same for any other high rated team, we generally vs very average players so in that regard it makes putting together a decent 3v3 arena movie quite difficult. However I've done my best to put together some entertaining games against decent opponents from what I've been able to record.
If you like this movie and would like to see more be sure to check out & subscribe to my youtube channel!
Youtube.com/poonxox. Where i will be uploading videos regularly.
And also be sure to check out
Skill-Capped.com. The best instructional PvP Website.
Now you are probably thinking, what are those tracks?
Ill let you find them for yourself ;)