Deathtwice ft. Drfromspace - 2.900+ SPR @ Arena-Tournament by drfromspacee
Class: Priest | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Test Server EU (PvP)
3.93 /5 40 ? ? 444 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary

Yo there, this is a short video starring me, Deathtwice, as Shadow Priest and my mate, Drfromspace, as rogue. It includes some 2v2 games frapsed around 2750/2950 MMR @ Arena-Tournament and like 2-3 others old records at less MMR.

First, keep in mind that it's not our best games, but usually the most entertaining games we did since I start to fraps, coz these games were took in 1-2 sessions only. We wanted to show you more interesting Hpal War games but I just missed to record those we met.

Btw, we play together since TBC with the same comp' and for many reasons, we always played WITHOUT VOCAL. The point of this is to make you understand why in few games there is some "fails" or "misunderstandings" coz of no vocal.

I need to say that this is my first real movie (without my editing tests on youtube) and it will probably be my last. I've less time to play and I'll probably never play again as much as now.

And also, the editing was made by my friend Sbk ( who followed the instructions I gave him.

/// - Note of Sbk: lowquality frapsing (halfsie) = kinda bad zoom-edit. dont blame it. I just made the work, I didnt followed my feelings.
Watch Sbk's movie released by mopassan, then you gonna have a better opinion ///

As mentioned below, please keep all trolling about Tlk Patch, SpR Comp', Private server, No vocal, etc. for yourself and make a constructive comment, thx.


Improve your Arena skills, get Gladiator in 3v3 or Legend in Solo Shuffle with Blazing Boost!
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