Movie Summary
Hello fellow hunters !
Last night I decided to solo this one boss in Serpentshrine Cavern. I already solo'd him 5 or 6 months ago, but I stopped my account and couldn't try do again.
So, what about this fight ?
Well, it is difficult, mainly because of the second phase (demon form) and the stackable debuff "Applies a 45 sec debuff which increases fire damage taken by 1675 and can stack up to 20 times".
As I am the only player (the tank = my turtle cannot have the debuff), I get chain-debuffed everytime the boss have me on LoS. This explain why, everytime the boss is in demon phase, I do nothing except spamming my Kill Command :p
The true difficulty is the last phase, when Leotheras and his inner-demon split. You have to handle Leotheras AND the demon (= you WILL get debuffed).
You can see a epic fail, just before 15% (when p3 begins) : I burned all my cooldowns just before the mini-event where the boss cannot be targeted / attacked :p
Soundtrack :
Thomas Bergersen - Aura
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