Movie Summary
Hey Guys,
I am posting here because I would like you to know about my upcoming movie featuring the War of the Ancients trilogy. The movie is approximately 90 minutes long and planned to have voice acting. We are in the production phase and completed several scenes already however we do feel that we could use some helpful hands here and there apart from the necessary voice acting.
We are searching for talented and motivated people for the following roles:
- Script writer ( task: make the already existing script sound right/better )
- Graphical artists ( task: creating 2D materials from the material I make - post effects, posters logos, etc. etc. )
- Sound Designers ( task: creating sound effects for basically everything we need and can't find, editing voice over materials
for demons, dragons etc. etc. )
- Web Designer - We would like to build up a strong community around the project so we can have a healthy amount of people
waiting for what we are doing. We would like to inform the community about the movie/production on our own page aswell and
we would like to post some of our materials excusively there. Making a site is easy some would say but I am working 5-6 hours
avg. a day on the project after I get home from work and I do not have the energy for that. ( And thats just me )
If you are interested please visit my youtube channel and leave a private message there. I will get back at you asap!