Hunter epic quest, Everything you need to know by Tree Productions
Class: Hunter | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : US - Doomhammer ( Nightfall )
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Not able to complete the hunter epic quest?
Tired of looking all over the internet for strategies and videos?
Watch this video to figure out everything you need to know in completing the quest!

Over the past couple of months, i have had many people ask for help with their Demons for the hunter epic quest.
After doing a few of them, i realized it would be nice to make a video including all of the stategies, locations, and videos of me fighting the demons, for others to watch and figure out.
The strategies include all of the information that you will need to know to kill the demons, and i threw in small bits of advice that i think are helpful when fighting these demons.
As well, during the movies, there are bits of information helping explain whats going on, and what i am doing during the fight.

Enjoy the movie, and i hope it helps other hunter complete their quest.

Thanks to all the hunters on doomhammer, who let me kill their demons, gather these strategies, and film these video clips!

Here is the list of all the songs in the movie.

Intro - Woad to ruin, By: King arthur theme

klinfran intro - Smoke and Mirrors, By: RJD2

Klinfran fight - With a day there comes a dawn, By: Anna Domino

Solenar intro - Deep piano beat, By: Instrumental rap beats

Solenar fight - Ghost Writer, By: RJD2

Simone intro - Glory Box, By: Portishead

Simone fight - Go Godzilla Go, By: Initial D

Artorius intro - Phat Ass beat, By: Wutang Clan

Artorius fight - Holding out for a hero, By: Bonie Tyler

End - Woad to ruin, By: King arthur theme

Once again, sorry it took me so long to put out a song list. Enjoy :) , and hope the movie helped all of you out! .

You can play with Pro players at Blazing Boost and get your Keystone Master, Ahead of the Curve, and gear up fast!
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