Pat's first PvP video - Pre-Battlegrounds by Pat
Class: Warrior | Category: PvP | Server : US - Arthas ( Ruin )
4.71 /5 99 ? ? 64 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
My first original success video had never been posted on warcraftmovies, and I was often asked for it.

February 2005, Outdoor PvP is everything WoW has to offer to us, pvp'er. Most people believed warrior was one of the worst class in PvP because the class scaled a lot more with gear then others, so far throughout the leveling and early WoW days very few warriors were standing up. After gearing myself with some Valor gear and one of the first real good weapon (Obsidian Edged Blade), to my own disbelief I started to realize how good my class could actually perform in PvP encounters, and simply decided to make a video showing my friends and people I played with (pvp'ers of my server) how the class did. In the process I discovered a taste for video editing and added up some more editing then I initially thought. After the video was released it was shared and hosted to different webservers and discussed troughout WoW forums around the world.

I first hosted this video to a private FTP, and even tough it was suposed to be unlimited bandwith the server manager had to close my account cuz I was eating all his bandwith and wasn't even paying (free host lol)

An estimated numbber of 90000 (90k) downloads. Not bad considering I originally made this video to show it to a maximum of 50 people tops..

Improve your Arena skills, get Gladiator in 3v3 or Legend in Solo Shuffle with Blazing Boost!
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Zygor Guides

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Views: 284,647
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Rating: 4.71 / 5
Category Rank: 568

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WCM Fame: 54
Rank: 1,629 (of 510,000 )
Movies Released: 4
Total Views: 3,218,787
Zygor Guides

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