Neidrah 2 Trailer by Neidrah
Class: Hunter | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Conseil des Ombres ( F�rocit� )
4.92 /5 87 ? ? 69 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary

Hey guys!

I recently got back on my hunter! I quickly got some gear (still mostly full blue though, don't expect crazy crits :p) and went out to do some world pvp ;) I frapsed some of it since I was having fun and felt like doing some editing. Not at all enough material though, of course for a full movie, so it'll just be a trailer I guess. I know it might seem cocky but once again "I just felt like it" :D and I'd love to get some new feedback after my last movie.

⎯⎯✦ This has been recorded in only a couple hours of playing ✦⎯⎯
So just be aware that the clips for the actual movie will be much better! (and hopefully I find good opponents). I'm also gonna take much more time to put better editing and the quality of the video itself will be greater too. I mean basically everything will be better :p.

Music Blue Stahli - Scrape


Neidrah 2 (Full movie)

My last movie! (1v2 arena)

Improve your Arena skills, get Gladiator in 3v3 or Legend in Solo Shuffle with Blazing Boost!
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