Movie Summary
Hey guys!
Wanted to announce that Strif3 is still underway! It was changed to Cataclysm instead of Wotlk when I served the army for almost half a year. Once I got back I found my interest in WoW lacking but since then it's been mostly restored,
Alot about it has been changed, such as storyelements, editing, the most showing may be that the UD-skin is nowhere to be found, don't care if it earns me a ton of "Belf male QQ" comments, haters can hate however much they like.
RP/PvP Movie that casts:
Vimpe "(Tot)ally Fails"
Gearwar "The Bounty Hunter": Has been replaced by our more-than-competent Zeiren since I think Gear has stopped playing permanently.
-RP Appearences-
Rayko "Hellsaimed"
Various NS Members
Action, Drama, Comedy and Randomness.
1vX Open World-PvP
1v1 Story Battles
Improve your Arena skills, get Gladiator in 3v3 or Legend in Solo Shuffle with Blazing Boost!