Best of WoW PVP 04 by Cold
Class: Unknown | Category: PvP | Server : US - Ravenholdt ( Whirlwind )
4.81 /5 110 ? ? 1061 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
First rule of world pvp is that you talk about world pvp.
Second rule of world pvp is that you post a link to a world pvp video someplace.
Third - get your full Honor set and go get your fucking war on.

Learn how to film pvp at Fony's: Getting the good shots PVP FILM GUIDE . If half the people making pvp movies watched that from 04:00-08:00 the quality on WCM would skyrocket, believe me.
The Coldbear Report Best Of Wow List

RL movies (another CrossFit film coming next!): CB08 We Are SoCal

Thanks for:
Gedan and Uzbeki and the best wow gaming movie website. Authors who replied, underrated and famous. Blizzard Mac Dev Team for built-in UI-less recording. Blizzard world design team. Tom Wolsky. Crossfit girls.

No thanks for:
Flying mount pvp immunity. One knockback dismount for one spec of each class, and parachutes for all. I sincerely hope pve'ers enjoy the game very much - on pve servers.

PLEASE HELP me find these:
1. Roof Harassing Part#2 in Thunderbluff by Swapp
2. AV video (mage/lock?) where he jumps up on a vertical post while a rogue (?) tries to repeatedly shadowstep (?) him and falls off, hilariously.
3. Feral video at AB LM, rogue shadowsteps himself off the cliff, and mage keeps sheeping his target, author was a regular on the official druid forums during TBC era (Plainsrunner?) iirc.

Still looking for more good open DK (got Luphrek) and Enh. Lastly, stop bitching and become part of the solution. Go to war. Build a rep on your server and start some ****. Find bottleneck pvp spots.

Film-makers who replied saying I could use their content:
TosanTribe Youtube Boro Shadowguardo Grim Daggero/Ecnad Cyberllama Akcope ZybakTV Lecken Trek Specu Flekz/Elluiso Muffins/Vaosan/lufontheroof Wedding/Wedx/Wed Pajay/Starmist/How To Feral/ FUDK/RaggokMDV/Oozo Buddhist/Mortalseraphim Goon Squad FalconBK Hybridpanda/Pandamonium John Rodriguez aka Pancakes Paniczone Ropedrink/Mhuldoon/ClickBOOM Spit/Spitty/Blink Master Vurtne Akrios Dremlock Chrille/Chrillz Acrono Gearwar Danaik/Dankyr Hofflerand Cer Fidelity/Beasteh Kruschpak
Fix WoW by Talking Shit
WHAT SONG? Google lyrics. Watch the original movie. Use your cellphone with Shazam.

If you want to improve your PvP skills, and become a beast in Arenas, Blazing Boost provides Arena coaching for all classes and specs!
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Views: 163,818
Daily Views: 32
Rating: 4.81 / 5
Category Rank: 1293

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WCM Fame: 110
Rank: 1 (of 510,000 )
Movies Released: 17
Total Views: 1,707,380
Zygor Guides

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