Best of WoW PVP 1/10 by Cold
Class: Unknown | Category: PvP | Server : US - Ravenholdt ( Whirlwind )
4.92 /5 149 ? ? 1044 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary

If you have Photosensitive Epilepsy you might want to skip 0333-0429.
Most Entertaining Rogue
Most Entertaining Warrior
Best Video Editing, tied.
Most Entertaining Priest, Best Use of �uh, Dancing in PvP
Best Arena Fight, Best 1v2
Best Ganking

Trolls will be upset that I didn't include *their* hero, their video or enough (Insert Class/Spec/Arena). Talk to Bizzlesnaff (he's a helluva guy) if you want to get featured in something.

The Coldbear Report Best Of Wow List

Akrios was right. (

PM or comment on The Coldbear Report about cool stuff I missed. Be specific - what scene in which movie. I'll puke if I see one more frostmage or undead rogue video. Cyberllama excepted.

If you're offended I used your stuff let me know, else it's fair use derivative work. For my hidden agenda see the end of each video. Film-makers who replied saying I could use their content:
Tosan WCM
TosanTribe Youtube
Shadowguardo (100 Rogues in 4 minutes)
Grim (Total Annihilation is coming back!)
Pajay/Starmist/How To Feral/
Goon Squad FalconBK
John Rodriguez aka Pancakes of Gorgonnash
If I was them I'd be really pissed off right now, but hopefully they'll get some traffic. Consider this free advertising. First cut of this movie was 4 hours and 40 minutes long. Still better than CB02 Every Boss In The Game .

Fix WoW by Talking Shit

RL movies (another CrossFit film coming next!): CB08 We Are SoCal

Youtube upload is currently FUBAR, deleting it unless I find a decent audio solution. If someone has a 28min long music track that'll get past Youtube's censors lemme know. If not, f*** it. Megaupload for HQ version. The point here was to draw attention to cool stuff and world pvp. Because these days it's just about arena rating this or that. Hopefully this'll inspire people to go look up the truly great stuff instead of the latest 2500+ rating.

OMG WHY NO VURTNE, AKRIOS OR X, Y, Z? Most of them will be in later installments. This isn't a democracy or a popularity contest, and my opinion is no more valid than yours. If you're a movie author I'll take your opinion VERY seriously, though.

Suggestions: BE BLOODY SPECIFIC. I don't know everything and haven't seen it all. You apparently do. Tell me what scene in what movie.

YOU'RE TAKING OTHER PEOPLE'S STUFF: Yup, sure am. I PM�d everyone to ask them if I could use their content. Exactly 100% of replies all said the same thing � YES.

Ask that author. Watch his/her videos. Go to their website. Use Shazaam or similar on your cellphone. Google the lyrics.

Installment 02 will be released when this gets 30,000 views or when I feel like it. Why? To get people to talk about world pvp.

LFM exceptional DK, Enh shaman videos. I got FUDK, Luphrek and Unbreakable. PM or comment here or on blog.

If you want to improve your PvP skills, and become a beast in Arenas, Blazing Boost provides Arena coaching for all classes and specs!
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4.92 /5

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Views: 220,182
Daily Views: 43
Rating: 4.92 / 5
Category Rank: 860

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WCM Fame: 110
Rank: 1 (of 510,000 )
Movies Released: 17
Total Views: 1,678,906
Zygor Guides

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